Hello and Welcome, I'm Jozef, a

Full-Stack Web Developer

Hello, my name is Jozef, I'm 32 years old Full-Stack Web Developer based in Slovakia. I completed my studies as a Graphic designer of digital media at High vocational school of technology. After high school I started a bachelor and later master's degree in Management of small and medium enterprises on College of Economics and Management in Bratislava, which I finished with honors. I worked for K_corp as a Full-Stack Web Developer and for IBM as a Front-End developer. I also successfuly obained Harvard's Introducton to Computer Science course (CS50) through EdX. I watch a lot of online PHP/Laravel tutorials mostly on Codecourse and Laracasts and occasionaly on YouTube. I have a few hobbies (Bodybuilding, PC stuff, Cooking, Sport, Foreign languages and Geography) in which I'm constantly trying to get better and improve.
My skills, projects and programming stack are in the bellow section

PC Skills


Logo PHP World


PHP World


The main language I am focusing on. I know a lot and there is a lot yet to learn. A big Shout-out to Alex from Codecourse (former PHPAcademy) for providing such a great content of PHP. I know concepts of object-oriented programming in PHP and I have a few pojects written in it. Nowadays I am trying to improve in Laravel, but more on that later.


The standard. I have never used anything else, so I am pretty familiar with the interface of PHPMyAdmin. I might try MySQL Workbench in the future, but as for now I'm good with PHPMyAdmin. If I am ever gonna purchase a Mac I will for sure switch to SequelPro.


Composer is no stranger to me, it is straight forward, I understand the importnace of it and how and why it is being used.


#1 Framework for PHP for me. Still learning though, but I feel that I'm on the right track. Finished 2 Web Applications and it was a breeze. The whole ecosystem around Laravel is just amazing. Laracasts and Codecourse are my two main sources of documentation for learning Laravel.


Same as for Vagrant, I can configure Homestead.yaml, /etc/hosts to make it work with Vagrant and Nginx. I used Homestead for all of my laravel projects or when I followed some tutorial.


I use Vagrant just to get the Virtual Machine up and running. Vagrant up, Vagrant halt, Vagrant provision. In the future I am planning to switch to Laravel Valet so Vagrant will no longer be needed.I'm familiar with the interface of VirtualBox

Logo JavaScript World


JavaScript World


JavaScript is a must in web developlment no matter if you are front-end or back-end. I admit I am not the best when it comes to JavaScript, but I get the work done. I can read it and with a little help of online tutorials and documentation I am able to solve anything and come up with the right solution.


The standard. Someone says its obsolete, but I think it is not going anywhere anytime soon. jQuery is great, especially if you need to do some simple project and a JS framework might be an overkill. I can read it and write advanced logic in it.


It was such a mess the first time I tried to follow the tutorial for AJAx in vanilla JavaScript. I use jQuery methods for AJAX calls so that I don't have to optimize it for all browsers myself, it is easier too. Nowadays it is a must-have skill for every developer, myself included.


I used this library in one project for creating PDF files. The server rendered a view in the background and Phantom.js then took a screenshot of the view and created a PDF file ready to download.


I watched some online tutorials and it looks promising. I plan to use it on my next big project and I am sure I will master it that way.


I have used Chart.js on one of my projects and I love it. I really enjoy working with this library and playing around with all types of charts.

PC Skills


html Logo HTML

I have been using HTML for over a decade. The first time it got introduced to me was when I was on elementary school. After that, practising, learning and using HTML was the every day thing on highschool and the same is true till this day.

css Logo CSS

As a student of Graphic design of digital media, CSS was a huge part of my studies. CSS3 is a huge leap forward and my goal is to know all the tricks CSS3 is capable of.

adobe_photoshop Logo A. Photoshop

During my studies on higschool there simply was not a day without A.Photoshop. I learned a lot. We had lessons about every single feature of the program. We were given lessons about how to make a grayscale photo colorful again, how to recover some missing parts of a photo, how to make old photo fresh again, and so on... Nowadays I don't use it as often as I used to, but I am still relevant.

adobe_flash Logo A. Flash

It had been my favourite vector editor before it died. I used to use A.Flash A LOT during my studies on the high school (Animations, some webpages, a little bit of ActionScript, ...). I even did a big project as a part of leaving-exams. More info about the project in the "Projects" section.

c Logo C

I wrote a lot of stuff in C when I was on the univerzity (STU) and also when I was doing CS50 on Harvard. Memory management, structs, pointers, everything covered and passed the problem sets. One thing that I find cumbersome is string manipulation.

python Logo Python

I used Python in Harvard's CS50 for a few problem sets. Later we used the Flask framework for back-end web development. The syntax is super clear, although I prefer ES6 syntax with curly braces and no semicolon.

git Logo Git

I know the basics and the logic behind it. I did't have an opportunity to use it on a daily basis within a team, but still, I don't think it'll be a problem. As everybody says 80% of developers use 20% of git's commands 80% of the time.

jira Logo Jira

Not much to say. Familiar with the interface, logging time and so on...

terminal Logo Terminal

I love it. For me, it all started back in days when I was using Win7 and watched online tutorials. Terminal was used every single tutorial I followed. It was so hard for me to follow those tutorials since Win7's command line is eeeh... At this moment I know all the basic commands and I can say without a doubt that I am not noob anymore when it comes to terminal. In the future I definitely plan to dive into more advanced stuff.

mysql Logo MySQL

I have been familiar with the term since my highschool days. I am able to create a schema for a relational database, do some basic CRUD, joins and I understand the importance of indexes. Nowadays I use Laravel's Query builder and the ORM, Eloquent, but I can still write querries if needed.

linux Logo Linux

In a world without walls and fences - who needs windows and gates?! I decided to fully switch to linux after Microsoft decided to force every single Win7 user to upgrate to Win10. And I am glad I did. The best decision of this decade to be honest. I am familiar with the interface of Linux Mint Cinnamon and I also learned some basic terminal commands.

sublime_text Logo Sublime Text

For me it is THE Best editor ever. I admit it has driven me crazy once when I could not figure out why the settings I set did not apply, but later that day I figured it out and found out that Sublime Text uses some kind of hierrarchy for settings. Since then, I cannot say anything bad about the editor.

bootstrap Logo Bootstrap

I used Bootstrap in two of my projects. It is fairly easy to grasp and since it is the most popular front-end framework, any issue can be solved in no time.

uikit Logo UIKit

This page uses UIKit. I like the different look of some elements and I also appreciate some components that work on mobile resolutions in UIKit with no problem, yet are bugged in Bootstrap (modal, parallax). However, I had to tweak some classes and find a workaround to get the disared functionality.

cinema4d Logo Cinema 4D

The only real thing I have done in Cinema 4D is a spinning cube which I later used on a website built in Adobe Flash. The website was about a photo gallery and everytime an user clicked on a random image, the cube would spin and then render the image.

digital_ocean Logo Digital Ocean

This is the place my servers sit. Familiar with the interface. With the combination of GitHub and Laravel Forge, everything is smooth.

ms_office Logo MS Office

Who doesn't know how to use MS Office? I would say I am above the average since the average user does not use Styles in Word :D.

ecommerce Logo eCommerce

OpenCart / Magento. I developed multiple extensions for OpenCart Admin area and also tweaked the existing ones (ocMod) + I have some experience with Magento Admin area, but this is just not my cup of tea

google_tools Logo Google Tools

I am familiar with some tools developed by Google + installing and tweaking them on a webiste (reCaptcha, Google Analytics, Google Maps Javascript API, ...)

adobe_premiere Logo Adobe Premiere

I started getting into video editing in 2019 and I've edited a dozen of videos so far. I can adjust colors, edit and cut videos and all that basic stuff. Working on a 43 inch monitor is a breeze and fun.


Spending Tracker a tool for managing your spendings.
JavaScript / jQuery

Spending Tracker is my very first project written in PHP. The version 3.0 is now out. The version 1.0 was just a simple procedural php based application without authentication, no front-end framework, just vanilla php, vanilla javascript and basic css. Version 2.0 lets you register, log in, organize your spendings into years, months and days. There is also an option to download a pdf of specified year or month. Each record reflects a real-life paycheck, the piece of paper you get after shopping or paying for something. On the piece paper you receive, there is a list of items you bought and paid for. This list of items is all you need to provide. Once you are done filling the forms the application checks for any mistakes and then it inserts a new record into the database. After that you can review your spendings in the overview section. There is a basic overview section that uses accordion / rolletes effect and also a pdf overview section that filters the records based on a given date and / or item name. If an user follows the same naming convention for the same item, the application will group the items together for a better overview, so that the user is able to see how prices had been growing or falling over time. Version 3.0 The page is responsive so as long as you have an internet connection, you are able to use the application with your smartphone.

Macros Tracker a web application for tracking and managing your macros and creating food profiles.
Eloquent ORM

Macros Tracker is a powerful application for every gym rat. First, an user needs to create a food profile. During this proccess, the user enters basic nutrion info like kj/kcal, amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat. There is also an option to enter secondary nutrition info like amount of sugar, dietary fiber and salt. After the basic food profile has been created, the user can switch to 'Add meal' section, where he enters the amount eaten of the particular food. The application then recalculates every nutrition. Once the record is submitted, the user can see the overview of all eaten foods for the given date. Every food is filtered by the day and month. In case the user had some data recorded from the previous year on a same day, both years are displayed, creating a really nice overview, because now he is able to see what he ate a year ago the same day, just for the comparison. This application is still in development. In the future I am planning to add the 'advanced' food section, where users will be able to enter also vitamins content and minerals content of a food + some interesting facts and so on, so stay tuned! :-)

Vocabulary sync a web application for synchronizing vocabulary across multiple languages.
Eloquent ORM

Vocabulary sync is an application that helps you to learn foreign languages faster. You might find yourself in a situation where when you are learning multiple foreign languages you end up having different vocabulary for each language, for example: you might have learned 20 english words connected with the theme "bathroom", but you haven't learned learned the same 20 words in german or spanish. And also the other way, words you know in spanish might be missing from your german or english vocabulary. With this web application you have the option to create your own vocabularies and synchronize the words you learn across all languages.

Hit the books The final project for Harvard's CS50.
Eloquent ORM
Summer Note

This is the final project for Harvard's CS50. We had no specific rules to follow for this project, except for one, which was that the project had to be somewhat connected to the "study-university-technology" theme and be beneficial for ourselves. I decided to create a web application for every student that does not have access to Microsoft Word, but wants to make notes during lectures. I implemented Summer Note (a rich text editor) and created interface around it.

Diary (Daily log) A simple web application for keeping daily records, activities and tasks that took place in the past.
Eloquent ORM

This application is a simple diary focused on past activities. The interface is simple and easy to use. The main goal of this project is to have a summary of past activities which the user can use for better time management in the future.

Ford Mustang GT/CS in vector Drawing Ford Mustang in vector graphic.
Adobe Flash
Adobe Photoshop

For this project I am using Adobe Flash. The main goal of this project is to draw a car in vector graphic. After I picked the car I started working on the frame (green color lines). For the next few days I had been playing with linear and round gradients. I often had to adjust a selection and transform gradients in order to achieve a more realistic look on some areas of the car. The most significant boost to the realistic look happened after I added light reflections all over the car and shadows on the side mirror. The hardest parts of the car to draw were definitely wheels and front lights. Later I decided to do use this type of project as my final highschool project.

Final highschool project The project is about converting a real photo to vector graphic manually.
Adobe Flash
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Optimization for print
Documentation of each step

In this project I used Adobe Flash as a main tool, then Adobe Photoshop for optimizing images for print and Adobe InDesign for documentation. Adobe Flash is a graphical editor for creating vector graphic, vector animations and games. I utilize linear and round gradients. The goal of this project is to create an illusion of a real photo. The main benefit of vector graphics is no loss of quallity when resizing. After all cars were done I started designing the booklet. I had a lot of fun doing this project and I think I did a really good job. I\'m kinda sad that nowadays Adobe Flash is not as relevat as it was a few years ago, but hey! it does't change the fact that it is a great editor that can get the task done.

Fun with Photoshop A showcase of some of my PS skills
Adobe Photoshop

GTA SA Effect - Everything is done by me, no filters downloaded. First, I adjusted colors to make the image look more like a cartoon, then I  used the Brush tool and reduced colors even more by replacing similar colors with just one color. The third step was to highlight the edges of bodies and muscles and also removing some unnecessary details. I finished it by adding a blurred High Tatras silhouette. I have started working on a few other photos that are going to have the same effect as well, so stay tuned!

Typography Dispersion - I have seen a few tutorial on this, but as I finished, the effect was not so good, so I decided to do it my way. First, I created a selection, did a few tweaks with layers. Then created a text layer and played around with mask and this is the final result.



slovak Logo slovak

My native language. On highschool, in 'Slovak language' subject, I advanced from a class-level to a highschool-level in Student Research and Professional Activities (SOČ)

czech Logo czech

As a person born and raised in Slovakia, I am also fluent in Czech language. Slovak and Czech languages are mutually intelligible. Most of the times I don't even notice that an article, video or film was in Czech language. I get in contact with the language basically every day.
Fluent B2-C1

english Logo english

Fluent B2-C1
I love the language. I have been learning the language since 3rd grade on the elementary school and I'm still learning it till this day. Everything I do on the internet is in English. I use the language every single day, I watch tons of videos in English and we use English at work.

german Logo german

I studied German language for about 2 years. Nowadays I watch some gym-related YouTubers speaking german and I understand something. I definitely know what is the conversation about, but it is nowhere near fluent. Still good for a beginner though.

spanish Logo spanish

I do a little bit of spanish every day. On Duolingo I have a streak of over 1400+ days (I have been logging in, translating at least 20 sentences from English to Spanish and vice versa, every single day for over 1400 days in a row without one day missing. If I missed one day without logging in and translating, the counter would jump to 0 and my streak would be gone.)


(College of Economics and Management)
Management of small and medium entreprises
Bratislava, Slovakia

Master's degree
Graduated with honors

Marketing strategies
Labour Law
MS Office

The study was all about Management, Economics, Etreprises and Entrepreneurship. We learned about everything that has to do with business in European Union, world-wide and in Slovakia. My bachelor's thesis was about Occupational Health and Safety in a specific company and my master's thesis was about quality and safety of a specific product in the market (Tofu). I successfully finished the Bachelor's and Master's degree.

(Harvard University)
Computer Science, CS50's Introduction to Computer Science
Distance Study

Link to the certificate
Flask (Python web framework)
Google Maps API

I decided to improve my IT skills by starting studying Computer science on Harvard. This has be so far my best experience as a student. Everything works perfectly, no issues on lectures, no problems with the IDE or with setting up the environment and teachers are great.

(Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of electrical engineering and information technology)
Applied informatics
Bratislava, Slovakia

Visual Studio

After I finished the highschool I started to study Applied informatics. The study was about applying information technology in everyday life (wearables, sensors, little devices that simplify life, ... ). We were learning programming in C and C++ and it ws a whole new realm for me. However, comming from a highschool as a graphic designer and study a field of study that is heavily focused on math and physics, was probably not a good idea...

(High vocational school of technology)
Graphic designer of digital media
Poprad, Slovakia

A. Photoshop
A. Flash
A. Illustrator
A. InDesign
Cinema 4D

The study was heavily focused on Graphic Design and everything around it. We learned the history and evolution of camera, photography, web and design. We used to use every major application in Adobe package. Adobe InDesign for newspaper articles, Adobe Illustrator for vector graphics, Adobe Flash for vector graphic, web pages and flash games, Adobe Photoshop for photo editing and designing web pages. We tipped our toes in Cinema 4D, where we learned the basics of the program. A few classmates used Cinema 4D for their final highschool project. We were learning and using HTML and CSS on a daily basis, we went through every single attribute. Our schedule was a 2 week loop, where we had one week of learning stuff and one week of practising what we learned. Overall, I think this was a good starting point for me. I successfully finished my studies.

(Športové poradenstvo Inform)
Personal trainer of fitness and bodybuilding
Bratislava, Slovakia

Fitness excercises
Bodybuilding excercises
Kettlebell excercises
Dynamic power
Psychology of sport
Theories of sport training

Bodybuilding is my favourite hobby and there is always something to learn, even if you think you know all of it. I decided to get a certificate in this field. Over a two week period I learned the anatomy of human, every single aspect of nutrition and supplements and it's effect on the body as well as all kinds of theories of sport training. I also got introduced to the area of sport that is so common we don't even realise that, the psychology of sport. Sport is unique, because it affects people's mood even by just watching it. And it affects masses and masses of people. Nothing else is as powerful. The second part of the training was focused on the technique when performing an excercise, be that bodybuilding, kettlebel or fitness excercises.

Work Experience

Bratislava, Slovakia

English speaking environment
Adobe Photoshop
Northstar front-end framework
I was responsible for quallity and visual look of IBM websites. The technologies used were HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I occasionaly used Photoshop in case graphic team was busy. Other than that there was also an obsolete corporate CMS, but that is true in every corporation I guess.

The biggest plus of this job position is the english speaking environment. There is a lot of foreigners in the office and we also have a team in Mexico, Brasil, China and Romania, so the fluency in english is mandatory and english is our lingua franca.

Poprad, Slovakia

Yii2 (PHP Framework)
Google Maps API
Creating new functionality, updating existing code and finding/fixing bugs. Projects worked on: Zinc Euro - online peer to peer lending services, Internal GPS web app. Both apps were written in Yii2 PHP framework. Other than that I was fixing all kinds of bugs on a lot of eShops - be that slow loading, dissapearing items from the cart or checkout, problems in CMS area of eShops, and so on...

Poprad, Slovakia

MS Excel
MS Word
MS Outlook
Insurance administration
Focus on details
This was my very first job (Long-term-contract). I was responsible for everything that had to do with the company's car fleet. Be that documenting fuel spent, tires, ensurance, distance driven for a given month, etc, you get the idea... I was using MS Excel quite extensively, a lot of scripts and tables and formatting.

I strenghtened my awareness, sense for detail and I learned what a real responsibility is. Similar to programming, one wrong zero or comma can create a lot of problems, especially when you cannot find it.

Contact me

If you want to leave a message or are interested in working with me or hiring me, please contact me by using the form bellow or just write me an email to

© 2024 Mgr. Jozef Javorský